19 posts
FASTEN Beta-testing Campaign #2
FASTEN team is pleased to open its second Beat-testing campaign enabling external users to test the Maven Plugin.
Click on the title for more information.
Open Source Experience, November 9 - 10, 2021, Paris
FASTEN is introduced on the OW2 booth at Open Source Experience.
Click on the title for more information.
EclipseCon Europe, October 25-28, 2021, Online
FASTEN is presented at the next EclipseCon Europe conference, October 25-28, 2021, online.
Click on the title for more information.
OW2con21, June 23 - 24, Online
FASTEN is presented at the annual conference of the OW2 open source community.
Click on the title for more information.
Open Research Webinar, June 1, 2021
FASTEN is introduced in the Open Research Webinar Series co-organized by OW2 and the Eclipse Foundation.
Click on the title for more information.
OSS2021, May 12, Online
FASTEN is presented at the conference OSS2021, on May 12, 2021, online.
Click on the title for more information.
FASTEN Workshop, April 8, 2021, Online
FASTEN organizes a workshop on "Risk Mitigation with Software Composition Analysis and Dependency Management".
Click on the title for more information.
FASTEN Beta-testing Campaign #1
Join FASTEN first Beta-testing campaign and experiment the Java Call Graph Generator!
Click on the title for more information.
SFScon, November 13-14, 2020, Bolzano, Italy (moved to virtual)
FASTEN will be presented at SFScon 2020, November 13-14 in Bolzano, Italy.
Click on the title for more information.
SATToSE, July 1-2, 2020, Amsterdam (moved to virtual)
SATToSE - Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution
Click on the title for more information.