
11 posts

Feb 13 2022

FASTEN presented at FOSDEM 2022

FASTEN intelligent package management framework latest advances presented at FOSDEM 2022

After three years of life, the project approaches the end of its funding period and was showcased online to hundred of developers at FOSDEM.

Dec 08 2021

FASTEN Newsletter #3

The third FASTEN newsletter introduces the Call for Presentations for the Devroom "Software Composition and Dependency Management", co-organized by the FASTEN team.

Nov 03 2021

FASTEN Newsletter #2

This second FASTEN newsletter provide you the latest updates regarding FASTEN innovative dependency management solution and the upcoming events.

May 27 2021

FASTEN Newsletter #1

This first FASTEN newsletter has the aim to share with the community the latest news and first milestones achieved by the team, after more than two years of intensive research.

May 04 2021

FASTEN Introduction in and Medium

The troubles of modern software dependency management and what to do about them

In order to help developers tracking dependencies, FASTEN provides a new intelligent package management framework, on top of existing dependency management tools.

Click on the title for more information.

Apr 05 2021

FASTEN Virtual Workshop Press Release

The FASTEN project invites developers to its workshop “Risk Mitigation with Sotware Composition Analysis and Dependency Management”

How FASTEN’s breakthrough research addresses software dependency issues faced by millions of developers will be revealed in the Dependency Management Devroom organised by OW2.

Click on the title for more information.

Mar 31 2021

FASTEN and the April 8 Workshop presented in French Media Linuxfr

Check out this french article introducing FASTEN and the April 8, 2021 workshop.
Click on the title for more information.

Mar 31 2021

Feb 01 2021

FOSDEM 2021 Press Release

FOSDEM 2021: OW2 unveils latest advances of FASTEN, a promising innovation adding intelligence to package management systems

How FASTEN’s breakthrough research addresses software dependency issues faced by millions of developers will be revealed in the Dependency Management Devroom organised by OW2.

Click on the title for more information.

Mar 31 2020

Programmez! 2020 Article

Programmez! 2020 article introducing FASTEN and DECODER projects (in French). 

Title: Understanding external codes, mastering dependancies

Click on the title for more information and access to the article.