Python Brasil 2019, October 23-28, Sao Paulo


FASTEN will be presented during the conference Python Brasil 2019. 

Talk title: The art of making software tell its story - A FASTEN project case study

Speaker:  Ingrid Sena, Endocode

More information about the conference:

Download the slides of the presentation pdf.png.

About Python Brasil:
PythonBrasil is the largest Python programming language event in Brazil. Made by the community for the community, it aims to spread the language, promote the exchange of experiences and keep the community growing equally in public and social impact.

There will be 6 days of immersion where participants will be able to contribute to open source projects, participate in training and acquire new knowledge with renowned community developers. The program is organized as follows: Tutorials (October 23 and 24 at Estácio de Sá University Center), Lectures and Keynotes (October 25 to 27 at Ribeirão Preto Convention Center, CCRP) and Sprints (October 28 at Centro University Estácio de Sá). This year, it is being organized by the Python community of Ribeirão Preto / SP with the support of APyB (Python Brazil Association).