OW2 Introduces FASTEN Research Project at OW2con’19

Using fined-grained and method-level tracking of software dependencies, FASTEN will deliver an Intelligent Package Management system, helping developers to reuse open source software with confidence.

Paris, June 12, 2019 - OW2, the international community dedicated to help develop and promote a code base  of open source software for information systems is presenting today at OW2con’19, for the first time publicly, the new FASTEN research project.

FASTEN is a collaborative project coordinated by TU Delft (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands). Project partners include Athens University of Economics and Business Research Center, Endocode AG, the University of Milan, XWiki and OW2

FASTEN stands for Fine-Grained Analysis of Software Ecosystems as Networks. FASTEN is developing the first Intelligent Package Management system. 

As demonstrated by recent events such as the LeftPad incident, which led to hundreds of thousands of websites to stop working, and the Equifax data breach, which led to a leak of hundreds of thousands of credit card numbers, dependencies on networks of external libraries can expose projects to significant operational and compliance risks iwith difficult to assess security implications.

To address this situation, the FASTEN project introduces fine-grained, method-level, tracking of dependencies on top of existing dependency management networks

FASTEN technology will help software developers to reuse open source software with confidence. They will be able to analyse more in depth dependency risks thanks to program analysis and to the production of fine-grained, versioned and ecosystem-level call graphs.  Vulnerability propagation will be better detected and signaled. FASTEN will also performs an advanced analysis of license compliance with the identification of license compatibility constraints at the file level. 

OW2con’19 is being held June 12-13 at Orange Gardens, the Orange innovation center in Paris-Châtillon. More information on OW2 open source annual conference: https://www.ow2con.org/2019 

About OW2
OW2 is an independent community dedicated to developing open source code infrastructure (middleware and generic applications) and to fostering a vibrant community and business ecosystem. The OW2 Consortium hosts some one hundred technology projects, including  ASM, Bonita, Chameleon, CLIF, DocDoku, Easybeans, Emerginov, Fractal, FusionDirectory, JOnAS, JORAM, JOTM, Knowage, LemonLDAP:NG, Lutece, OCCInterface, PetalsESB, Prelude, ProActive, RocketChat, SAT4J, Spagic, Spago4Q, Sympa, Talend Studio, Telosys, WebLab and XWiki. Visit www.ow2.org, follow us on Twitter @ow2.

About FASTEN Project

The FASTEN project received funding from the European Union (Horizon 2020-ICT-2018-2020 Information and Communication Technologies, grant agreement 825328). It started on January 1, 2019 and runs for 36 months.
For more information about FASTEN : https://www.fasten-project.eu/

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